The Global Game Jam is an annual international game event, where participants should create a game in only 48 hours.
Participants in the GGJ are of all skill levels and in various fields such as professional game developers, educators, artists, designers, storytellers or musicians.
The project partner CEEI Burgos, has organised this event for the sixth year in a row in Burgos, Spain. It took place last weekend, from 29th to 31st of January.
During the event, participants from Burgos have gathered and shared their games enthusiasm, imagination, creativity and knowledge. In this way they have created 3 games based on the global theme “Lost and found”.
On Friday afternoon, after the participants presentation CEEI Burgos organized a short workshop to firstly create the working teams and then a simple game to encourage creativity and ideas generation for their games, like a brain storming.
Besides, during the event participants deal with other skills such as collaboration, delegation, taking risks, leadership or innovation which are included in the Upenskills project philosophy.